
Posts Tagged ‘fanfic’

Hello! I’m the fanfic author known as Kris Scott. In other areas of the net, I’m also known as MamaKitty(729).

I am a 26-year-old full-time mother, girlfriend, student, tomboy/princess with a severe addiction to reading. I love books and fanfic especially. I always have at least one book with me (not to mention the nearly 1500 I have on my thumbdrive that I’m never without) and the Kindle I routinely have in my purse. I’d like to say I need an intervention, but reading keeps me (mostly) sane.

I’ve been reading and/or writing FanFiction in one form or another since I was about 7. Yes, you read that right: Seven. It started out, innocently enough, with New Kids on the Block and an obsession with Joe McIntyre. I used to write simple stories on notebook paper, wherein we’d go on picnics and be best friends. Sometimes we’d end up married, but for the most part, it was the every day 7-year-old stuff. Such was my first encounter with fanfiction.

I started reading/writing Buffy and Angel fanfiction in the last year of middle school, and started writing Backstreet Boys fanfic heavily in my beginning years of highschool. This is about the time I discovered writing “smut”. I wrote Vin Diesel/The Fast and the Furious fic for a while, delved very briefly into CSI fanfic, occasionally wrote some WWE fanfic with my then-bestfriend, and then sort of dropped off the face of the planet while I served in the US Navy for 6 years. I say “sort of” because I still occasionally wrote, though mostly I was writing Original Fiction (and WWE fanfics, I can’t lie).

Around 3 or 4 years ago, I discovered Twilight. And while I loved the characters that Stephenie had created, I thought there could’ve been so much more. So, I did what I always do when I’m obsessed with a book or a movie – I googled it’s FanFiction. And what an amazing world I found! Such talented writers, such ingenious plots and amazing character development… pure heaven for a reader such as myself. In fact, I’m so addicted to the TwiFic world that I started a fanfic review blog purely for the ability to share with the world how much I love these fics. Of course, I’ll still read and review and fanfic that catches my fancy, but as of right now, my mind is pretty much set on TwiFic.

Lately, I’ve seen a few assholes at FFn fucking it up for the rest of us, and the writers that I love and adore have been moving their fics to other sites (such as Twilighted, TWCS, and FFFW) and some have even moved over to their very own blogs. I figured since I’m not really working on my webpage anymore (it took me 30 minutes to figure out the password yesterday – I haven’t updated it in that long), and we all know how ridiculously obsessed with blogging I am, that I might as well put my fics up as well. Also, one of the two stories I have posted at FFn is rated MA, and the group of asshats who are making life miserable for my favorite authors might eventually target me as well, and let’s face it: I’m no good at criticism.

I’m going through all the old work that I did and attempting to see if I can salvage it. A lot of my older work is unfinished (and thoroughly unpolished) and will likely remain that way until I start hearing the characters begging me to finish their stories. I’ve also recently decided that I’m going to give this writing thing another shot, but there are a lot of things going on in my life. So that might be saved for my own personal outlet until I think it’s good enough to actually post.

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